Are ethics vital to the survival of consultants in the twenty-first century
Released on = August 31, 2006, 4:39 pm
Press Release Author = SOHO Prospecting
Industry = Management
Press Release Summary = Ethics among consultants in modern-day business will the topic to be discussed at the IMC monthly dinner meeting; September 19 in Hawthorne, CA.
Press Release Body = The importance, requirements and legal and moral obligation of professional ethics in consulting will be the subject of a two-part presentation to be offered by leading ethics ground rules authorities, Linnea McCord and Gene Siciliano, at the September monthly dinner meeting of the Institute of Management Consultants' (IMC) Southern California Chapter to be held on Tuesday, September 19, at the Ayres Hotel (14400 Hindry Avenue, I-405 at Rosecrans) in Hawthorne. A one hour afternoon workshop will begin at 4:30 p.m. and the dinner meeting will start at 6:00 p.m.
Ms. McCord, an attorney, professor and lecturer, will make a presentation at the evening dinner ethics ground rules meeting titled "Essential Ethics for Survival and Success in the 21st Century" which will analyze the legal and business consequences of unethical behavior. Attendees will learn why using proper business ethics is not optional, what the rules of ethical conduct are and why ethical conduct can provide consultants with a competitive advantage in today's hyper-competitive global economy.
A professor of Business Law in the Graziadio School of Business and Management at Pepperdine University, Ms. McCord has nearly three decades of experience teaching business ethics and law. A noted professional speaker who has addressed a myriad of forums for corporations, government entities, business and nonprofit associations nationwide, she has served as General counsel for a division of a high-tech Fortune Global 500 multinational corporation.
During an afternoon interactive ethics ground rules workshop, Siciliano will address the subject of "Ethics for Consultants, a Slam Dunk or a Moral Dilemma?" He will examine ethics and their place in the "real world" in terms of such factors as: selective use of professional ethics; are ethics appropriate at some times and not others; used with one type of audience and not another; used by some types of consultants and not others; are there shades of gray or is the use of business ethics strictly a "black and white" proposition.
Siciliano, a Certified Management Consultant and Certified Public Accountant, is the founder and President of Western Management Associates, a financial management consulting firm based in Los Angeles, CA. A nationally recognized speaker and author of numerous books on finance and management issues, he also provides executive coaching in finance for senior executives as well as financial management advisory services, workshops and training programs.
Institute of Management Consultants is an international professional association and certifying body dedicated to promoting excellence and ethics in management consulting. IMC provides certification, education, and professional resources to management consultants. For more information on IMC, the professional ethics program, ethics ground rules or event registration, visit For more information on IMC programs, please contact Mike Grimshaw, IMC Program Chairman, at
Web Site =
Contact Details = Mike Grimshaw Institute of Management Consultants 14400 Hindry Avenue Hawthorne, CA 866-644-SOHO
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